Meet the Experienced Team Behind Our Church

An Experienced Team

The House of Myriad Ministries is led by Pastor Catherine Spradley, who has been a fervent believer in the Word of Jesus Christ since she gave her life to Jesus Christ in her family’s church, the Solid Rock Church, at the age of 7. She is experienced in missionary work overseas such as Guyana and Africa as well as ministering at DC Doc Prison, nursing homes and shelters. She has also traveled to the land of Israel to help her become a more experienced pastor by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. She is joined and supported by a team of well-renowned pastors and ministers.


Management Team


Catherine Spradley

Senior Pastor

Pastor Catherine Spradley is originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior at Solid Rock Church Of Christ at the age of 7, and has been a Maryland Resident for the last 19 years.


She received her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Divinity, with a concentration in Pastoral Leadership at Lancaster Bible College and Seminary.


Pastor Spradley is a member of the Baptist Minsters Conference of Northern Virginia and Vicinity, the Chaplain of the Coalition Of Churches and Community U.S.A. and prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was a volunteer Minister at Washington DC’s Department of Corrections Facility, and has received multiple awards and recognitions for her service to God, such as The Diamond Community Service Award for her efforts in standing against domestic violence.


In 2021, Catherine became a Best-Selling Author as she co-authored in the book “Yes, God,” which deals with the cost, the sacrifice and the blessings of saying yes to God.


Pastor Catherine has a heart to go wherever the Lord leads, which has blessed her with opportunities to do missionary work in places such as Guyana and Trinidad, while also preaching oversees to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Massai villages of Africa. At this time, she actively leads a missionary team to spread the love of Jesus Christ at orphanages in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in order to instill a hope into children that’s greater than their circumstances.


Pastor Spradley has also traveled with Educational Opportunities to Israel in order to experience and learn more about the history of the Bible and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, which has given her a heightened passion for discipleship.


She is the wife of Deacon Yonda Spradley, a loving husband, Minister of Music and faithful servant of the Lord; A man after God’s own heart.


Her favorite Scripture is Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”


Bishop Charles E. Cato Sr.

Bishop / Associate

Pastor Charles E. Cato Sr. was born in Gibsland, Louisiana, and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 10.

In 1976 he migrated to Maryland to attend Bible College and Seminary. He is married to Cindy Cato and they have seven Children.

He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pastoral Theology in 1980 and in 1990 he received a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology.

Pastor Cato has conducted missions all around the world, which usually involve medical clinics, crusades, revivals, rescued homeless children, and has built dormitories for rescued children. Pastor Cato has also conducted retreats, conferences, and seminars in various parts of the world. So far, Pastor Cato has done his work in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania Africa, Guyana, Suriname South America Dominica, Antigua, Jamaica, Trinidad, Paris, London, Canada, and the United States.

At his heart, Evangelism and Missions remain one of Pastor Cato’s prime passions. He believes that people can fulfill their assignments and reach their destinies only when they decide to fully trust God by leaving their comfort zones. Pastor Cato’s life verse is Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.


Dr. Dana Van Brakle

Director of Discipleship

Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Dr. Dana Van Brakle was licensed to preach the Gospel at the New Southern Rock Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. in June 1998 and was later ordained on November 2000. He graduated from the American University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in August 1981 and a Master of Science degree in Technology of Management in May 1990. He continued his education at the Maple Springs Bible College and Seminary and graduated Suma Cum Laude with a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies in May 1996. He later pursued a Master of Arts degree in Master of Divinity, which he completed in May 1999, and eventually a Doctor of Ministry in August 2000. In addition, he obtained a degree in Christian Discipleship from the Jericho Christian College in June 1996. 

While at NSRBC, he served through the ranks of Trustee, Deacon, and eventually became an ordained associate minister. He also served as the Superintendent of Sunday School from 1997 through September 2006. Soon he served as the Seniro Elder at the Ark of Safety Christian Church (ASCC). His ministries included: Leader of Children’s Church, Prison Ministry, New Members Orientation, and Sons of Joseph Men’s ministry. He also sang with the Committed Songs doing outreach throughout the Metropolitan area, which brought many lost souls into the embrace of God. Since 2001, he has served as a professor at ASSC Bible College, professor and Dean of Seminary at the World Soul-Winning Evangelism Ministry (WOSEM) Bible College & Seminary. He is presently employed as a professor at the Maple Springs Bible College & Seminary and regular teaches on their radio program spreading the Gospel around the world. He is also working on his Masters of Arts Christian Care program from the Lancaster Bible College & Seminary. 

Dr. Van Brakle will serve as the Director of Discipleship for the Church, due to his passion and love for teaching. Secondly, God has already been leading him through the Christian Care program he already oversees, which will soon lead to the completion of his Clinical Pastoral education. Most importantly, Dr. Van Brakle cares for others and this has been shown in his track record in the past. He has also taught the MasterLife Series (A Biblical Process for Growing Disciples) and saw how members grew spiritually.

Most importantly, Dr. Van Brakle is a child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit, loves to study God’s Word and loves the Lord. He has been married to Lady Gloria Van Brakle for over 28 years and they are the proud parents of one daughter, Danielle Van Brakle. His favorite Scripture is Joshua 1:8 (NIV) “Keep the Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”


Breona Winstead

Youth Director

Breona Winstead is a native of Harrisburg, PA and is a graduate of the Grambling State University of Grambling, LA. She first began her spiritual journey in 1992 when she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at the First Zion Primitive Baptist Church in Edgemont, PA. During her college years, she became a mentor for the Office of Retention at Grambling for incoming Freshman students. Later she returned to Grambling and managed the mentorship program, where she discovered her passion for helping the youth with their goals and aspirations.

Soon she became a teacher assistant for Special Education in Dallas, TX. She was the advisor of the student step team, where she mentored, coached, and encouraged students. Over time, she mentored over 500 students during her career and continues to volunteer with several organizations serving the youth. She has helped numerous students attain scholarships for college and job offers in their choice of employment. She has advocated on behalf of Job Corps students by visiting the house of representatives in Pennsylvania for businesses to hire students and to allow students to have equal opportunities. She is currently a prayer leader and volunteer for the youth ministry Off Script at Zion Church in Landover, MD.

Her passion to help the youth will greatly aid her as the Director of Youth for the Church. She is confident her capability to organize, encourage, and teach the youth to achieve their ambitions in the past makes her the perfect candidate to oversee this role.